Black Soybeans have the capacity to lower cholesterol in humans and to protect against cancer through its healthy amount of protease inhibitors. They also keep the blood sugars under control. They are wonderful in stir-frys, salads, soups and breads.
Big beans should be cooked for optimum digestibility whenever consumed regularly or in quantity.
*Soy beans contain enzyme inhibitors and are very hard to digest when eaten raw (sprouted). The enzyme inhibitors are destroyed by the heat of cooking and it is strongly recommended that all big beans be cooked after sprouting.
NOTE: All large beans that are listed on this website (Anasazi, Great Northern, Red Kidney, Navy, Pinto, and Soy Bean) contain enzyme inhibitors and are very hard to digest when eaten raw (sprouted). The enzyme inhibitors are destroyed by the heat of cooking and it is strongly recommended that all big beans be cooked after sprouting.