These are raw kernels. They have a nutty earthy flavour. Eat 'as is' for some crunch value or soak kernels in any liquid to soften. Simmer 1 part groat to 2 parts water 20 min.
What is buckwheat? Buckwheat groats are gluten free seeds from a plant related to rhubarb. The outer husk is pulled away and the grain-like buckwheat seeds are harvested and eaten. Buckwheat contains essential amino acids, making it a popular, nutritious food in many nations across the globe. Each 1/4 cup of buckwheat is a good source of high-quality protein—6 grams—and supplies 8% of your recommended daily value of iron.
This gluten free Canadian grain is a great addition to soups and salads. Buckwheat grain has a mild flavor, but roasted buckwheat groats has a delightful intense flavor. One of the benefits of buckwheat is its versatility. Cooked buckwheat can be used like rice for salads and side dishes. You can pour the groats and water (or broth, or milk, or literally any liquid) into a pot at a 1:2 ratio, bring to a boil, then let simmer until the water is gone (or taste it and strain when it’s at the consistency that you like). The more water the groats absorb, the softer they’ll be. The groats can be ground into fresh flour using your own mill. Use your freshly ground buckwheat flour to create exceptional homemade soba noodles, breads, crackers and pancakes. Or make buckwheat porridge with any of your favorite liquid or make super nutritious granola mixing equal parts buckwheat groats, chia seed and hemp hearts along with your favorite dried fruit.
An example of a potential recipe could look like this:
1 and 1/2 cup of chia seeds
1 and 1/2 cup of buckwheat groats
1 and1/2 cup of shelled hemp seeds
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 cup dried cranberries
Mix all together and store in your favorite container.
Then when ready to use put:
2 tbsp of cereal
Add 4 tbsp coconut, almond, nut or regular milk
Wait 3-5 min. for the chia seed to gelatinize and you ready to eat