Gardens at our Fingertips
Authors: Gene Monson, Pam Lazaris
Garden at our fingertips provides you with all the information you need to grow sprouts and incorporate them into day-to-day fresh foods for your birds, plus for humans - salads, desserts, smoothies and more to maximize your nutrient, flavonoids, antioxidants and enzyme intake.
Garden at our fingertips looks the following aspects:
What sprouts are and the nutritional benefits of sprouts and why Easy-Sprout sprouter is an excellent choice. This book provides a detailed step by step ‘how to’ using the Easy-
Sprout sprouter and how to grow sprout seeds such as alfalfa, broccoli, lentils and radish for salads.
Gene Monson and Pam Lazaris compiled exclusive recipes which feature sprouts as food staples. These recipes range from salads, cereal, and desserts such as ‘Guiltless pecan fudge cake’; these are simple and fun recipes that everyone will enjoy.
There is an entire section that looks at sprouting and the raw food lifestyle, which also includes raw-friendly recipes for salads, soups, shakes, smoothies and puddings.