Tachyon, Eye Mask Deluxe & Ear Plugs

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Tachyon Eye Mask Deluxe & Ear Plugs

(DEM-1 : purple / DEM-2 : green)
Please note that only green is available but colour not shown

Enjoy the Tachyonized Deluxe Eye Mask and Ear Plugs for an expanding journey. As the Tachyon energy syncs and harmonizes both left and right hemispheres of your brain, stress fades and equilibrium returns. With the near total darkness design, it is pleasurable to be embraced by this harmonizing energy surrounding your face and head. Also, the included Tachyonized Ear Plugs add a sense of silence and inner peace to complete your total experience. Whether you are young or young at heart, you will love the gentle expanding experience. Perfect for meditation or just simply drifting into blissful sleep. It is made of Tachyonized cotton and a special Tachyonized cushioning material that creates a luxurious fit and nurturing comfort for deep relaxation and sleep. And, it is designed with a special pouch that is perfect for holding your favorite Tachyonized Glass Energy Cell or Microdisk to increase the Mask's effect. By design, the Tachyonized Eye Masks have been used therapeutically for over 25 years.

Complete Kit includes:
Plush Tachyonized Eye Mask with Velcro strap
1 set of Tachyonized Ear Plugs

Many individuals are using this power tool for meditation. What an experience! The Tachyonized Ear Plugs direct Tachyon into the inner ear and can be used alone for ear imbalances. The Deluxe Eye Mask is beneficial in balancing specific eye issues, soothing headaches and sinus problems, and facilitating peaceful sleep. The Ear Plugs can be purchased by themselves.
  • CDN $

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    Processing time is within 2 days from the order date and the shipping time depends on delivery method and your location.


    28 day return policy.

Vendor: Sprout Master
Style: Purple, Green
Weight:  0.453 kg