* Growing Medium: hemp micro mat or organic soil
* Germination time is 2 to 3 days and microgreen harvest time is 8 to 15 days ideal harvest at 10 days
* Baby salad green adult harvest at 16+days.
Notes & Growing Tips: Endive is fairly easy to grow. Plant seeds thick. Expose to light on day four. It can be grown past the microgreens stage and can be harvested any time after 10 days.
If you are planning on allowing the endive to grow past the microgreens stage, we recommend planting in organic soil instead of growing hydroponically. If growing hydroponically, it will be a challenge to get to day 15. Endive microgreens are short, so harvest close to the root line and rinse well.
Endive is a pleasant light green color and has a slight bitter taste that makes a nice contrast to strong flavors like sweet, salt and spice. It works well in place of lettuce on sandwiches and as a flavor contrast in microgreens salads.
Growing Medium: hemp micro mat, coconut coir or organic soil